Dynamism. This will be the word that will define the future of travel for our respondents. It is expected that all procedures will be simplified, which will make travel less tiring. In the future, people will have more autonomy to access travel processes via the Internet, all steps will be seamlessly integrated to the web. Journey time will decrease, especially in loading, unloading and removal of bags.
It is expected that an improvement in airport infrastructure, especially on mechanisms of order and removal of bags in order to avoid inconveniences. The aircraft should also be more comfortable in all classes and services should increasingly provide experiences and be customized. At the same time, more low-cost airlines will emerge, democratizing travel. Comfort will be assigned to price.
"In addition to using the Internet to facilitate, I believe check in and waiting won’t take a while and you won’t need to arrive at the airport so early... I also believe with time travel agencies will no longer exist. " - Teka, 32 years old, travel agent
"Changes in airport infrastructure. More user friendly people, with greater comfort for travelers. Fewer boundaries between countries and less bureaucracy. " - Priscila, 24 years old, busines consultant
“Major differences between those who want to spend a little and who can spend more. More space for technology, particularly Internet connections in flight. “ - Luca, 27 years old, financial manager
"The federal police of the visited country will be able to check your data, simplifying the custom process while you’ll still inside the plane." - Maria Florencia, 59 years old, mother
“Check-in will be increasingly simplified. There will be fewer bureaucratic inspections from the federal police. Shipping and delivery of luggage will be simplified. " - José Paulo, 70 years old, lawyer

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