A partner at one of Sydney’s most prestigious law firms, he confesses that he doesn’t have time to think too much about his holidays and leaves the planning to his wife of twenty years, Lisa.
“The whole economic crisis thing? Not so much. Lisa and I still take our little short breaks to Asia at least twice a year and I guess we’re fortunate because my business flights give us both extra points to upgrade with Qantas.”
Mark doesn’t know what to say when he’s asked about the future of flying. “Will they be drone, robot pilots or something? Only kidding. I think that the future of flying will have to be about how you can make it more personal. I can log in online and see all my points and history. It would be marvelous if I could log-in to my seat or something like that. And, you know, they know what food or wine I like or they could recommend stuff based on what they know already. That would be like the Apple Genius!”
Personalize the flight, online and off.
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